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Rock City

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Staying in or Visiting Mwanza (Rock City)

Mwanza is well known as Rock city for it is a tourist attraction on Lookout Mountain Georgia.

Mwanza (Rock City ) is the best place for Holiday, HoneyMoon, Family Trip, Solo, is very recommended to stay along with the view of the biggest African lake (Lake Victoria enjoying cool air on the shore of Lake Victoria in beautiful hotels and lodges will offer the most memorable safari ever.

Saanane Island National Park

Saanane Island is in Lake Victoria lying very close to Mwanza (Rockcity) 2km. It includes two inlets, Saanane is completely unique its the only National park in Africa that is within city limits, the wildlife impala, zebra, wildebeest, klipspringer, hyrax, monkey, dikdik, otters and there is also an enclosed lion’s den with huge boulders and trees where a lion and lioness live. They both orphans from the wild and now are fully grown and appear good and health. And in love, peacocks are living in another enclosure on the island.


Bismarck Rock

The Bismarck rock is a precariously balanced rock that is located in lake Victoria and the city of Mwanza. It is also a point where a statue of the late German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck was said to be erected, thus taking his name. The statue was later on pulled down into the water nearby, when the British took over from the Germans after world war one – but the name stuck. Since then, the rock has become a famous icon of the city, featuring in many photos for both locals and tourists.

Canoeing in the Lake Victoria

The canoe trip also includes bird watching, both from the canoe and when exploring the village. Guests are picked up by the fishermen in their traditional canoes and taken along the shoreline to a nearby village. Here, guests can explore the village while learning about the traditions and cultures of the Sukuma people living at shoreline of Lake Victoria.

Bujora Sukuma Museum

It was designed in 1968 the best place to learn ancient history and culture of Basukuma (sukuma) and it potray the real life of Africans in all angles the real sound and how music (songs), singing was part of African culture you will learn the history of music competition between clans how people where able to use our local musical instruments which can leave you with real happiness of your inner soul. Basukuma (sukuma) are the first kindest ethnic group and tribe living in three region and are 16% of the total Tanzania population the largest ethnic group in Tanzania being here and learning a bit about beautiful people will be most wonderful in your safari.

Other Activities while in Mwanza

Your Itinerary will be even more enjoyable. These are other activities you can do while in Rock City (Mwanza)

  • Fishing Spots
  • Town Tour

Accommodation are available, good Hotels, Camp and Lodges with nice services also camping inside the island is available with all the basic needs.

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